St. Marys AFC

Founded 1948


Data Protection

Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Some significant changes to Data Protection legislation came into effect with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018. GDPR essentially requires all sports clubs (as data controllers and processors) to demonstrate how they obtained consent from data subjects for fair & lawful usage and for a specific purpose. Therefore, it’s important that every member, is aware of how these changes in the law will affect the ways in which members’ personal information can be collected and used for the club’s purposes.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

St. Mary's AFC is fully committed to protecting the rights and privacy of club members, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), May 2018. Information about our committee, coaches, managers, assistants, administrators, players, parents and other individuals will only be processed in line with established regulations. Personal data will be collected, recorded and used fairly, stored safely and securely and not disclosed to any third party unlawfully. The lawful and correct treatment of personal information is critical to our successful operations and to maintaining confidence, St Marys AFC is committed to:

·      Protecting members’ personal details and records

·      Keeping members’ and other individuals’ personal data up to date and confidential 

·      Maintaining personal data only for the time required

·      Releasing personal data only to authorized individuals/parties such as leagues for registration purposes

·      Collecting accurate and relevant data only for specified lawful purposes

Members are required to report any allegation in relation to the unlawful treatment of personal data by contacting the clubs Data Protection Officer. A concern should be raised if members feel that records of their personal data have been:

·      Lost 

·      Obtained by another party other than St. Mary's AFC through unlawful disclosure or unauthorized access 

·      Recorded inaccurately and/or in a misleading manner

Where required, St Mary's AFC will take appropriate action/corrective measures against unauthorized/unlawful processing, loss, destruction or damage to personal data.


St Mary's AFC uses a secure online membership system by a third-party supplier, Clubify. For more information on Clubify click

When you register online as a member with St Marys AFC your personal data is kept securely on a membership system and will be used only for the purposes of the club and league registrations. When submitting your registration online you are requested to consent to using the data in the registration form as stated below:

St Mary's AFC uses this data to register the player(s) with the relevant leagues which includes passing on the players and parents personal data (including name, email, gender, DOB, phone number) and for football related communications (non-commercial). 

This data is also shared with authorized club coaches/managers who need it to communicate information about training and fixtures and for them to be able to contact parents/emergency contacts in the case of an emergency. Medical details (if provided) are also shared with team coaches/managers for awareness and in case of an emergency where this information may need to be passed on to medical staff. Data obtained via the registration process is only kept for the period of the current registered season and a further 2 seasons thereafter. Any member leaving St Mary's AFC must inform the Club Secretary

Data obtained via the registration process is only kept for the period of the current registered season and a further 2 seasons thereafter. Any member leaving St Mary's AFC must inform the Club Secretary at

Only the club administrator, registrar and the club secretary have full access to this data. The manager/coach of your team will have limited access to information required for matches such as contact info, medical details (if required) etc. Managers gain access by submitting a data protection statement to the club administrator and/or registrar.


You may opt out of information about you or your child being shared and your record deleted at any point by emailing

You have the right to request what information is stored about you or your child by emailing . This information will be provided to you within one month or the request


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Policy should be addressed to

Further information regarding your rights can be obtained through the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois, or on the website

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