St. Marys AFC

Founded 1948


About St. Marys AFC

Club Name : St. Marys AFC

Address: St Marys AFC. Kilcully Park, T23 NW25, Cork.

Founded: 1948

Ground : Kilcully Park

League: Munster Senior League & Cork Athletic Union League

Club Colors : Black & White

Club Crest :


Travel out from Town to Blackpool,and continue on straight through Blackpool till you will see a fork in the road with a grotto in the middle you need to take the right fork and head up the hill this hill is called Dublin Hill. If you keep following the this road you will end up at the Black Man Inn. Once you reach the An Féar Dubh pub take the left fork in the road a couple of hundred meters down the road keep an eye out for a tiny sign post for a cemetery pointing to a turn to the left (keep an eye out or you will miss it) take this turn and keep on going straight over a bridge and onto St Catherines Cemetery which will be on the right. If you look across from the graveyard you will see Kilcully Park, home of St Marys AFC.

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